
What are the Most Common Causes of Gum Disease?

Gum disease is a prevalent reason for dental visits, presenting a type of gum infection that can lead to tooth damage if left untreated. Referred to as a periodontal disease, it manifests in two stages: gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis marks the initial phase of gum disease, exhibiting symptoms like gum tenderness, bleeding, and inflammation. Proper […]


Get Familiar with the Pros and Cons of Radiation Therapy Beforehand

Radiation therapy is suggested to cancer patients to kill cancer cells. As the cells in our bodies get multiplied and divided in a continuous manner, cancer cells have the tendency to multiply faster than the normal pace. Therefore, a radiation oncologist phoenix may advise you to undergo radiation therapy alone or with other supporting treatment […]


Basic Guide to Nad Therapy

NAD stands for nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. It is a coenzyme found in all metabolic processes in our body. However, as the aging tables place, the NAD levels decrease in the body, and the reduced NAD levels in the body also expose it to the risk of Cancer.  Hence, to provide the body with the required […]


Tips to Handle A Highly Sensitive Child 

If your child seems different than other kids, maybe you should try to figure out what the problem is instead of scolding them for being what they are. It is understandable that you are worried about them because they do not act or behave like the other kids of their age. It is possible that […]