Urban Pests In Industry: 4 Tips For Prevention And Control

We know that pest control at home is essential, but controlling their presence in industries has a much more significant impact, as they are the products that we consume every day in our cities.

Pharmacies, markets, restaurants, stores, all of which can be potential targets for rats, cockroaches, ants, flies, and countless other pests. The presence of these animals in these environments poses several risks, especially contamination of products and transmission of diseases. It is advisable to invite experts like https://www.guardianhome.com/pest-control-federal-way/  for inspection and control of these pest.

The best attitude to prevent this from happening is to take preventive and corrective measures. There are mainly 4 aspects that need to be considered: access points for pests, places used for hiding and shelter, favorable conditions for their proliferation, and sources of food and water.

Here are 4 tips that can help you in the pest control industry. Check out:

1 – Closing Of Accesses

One of the most important measures to prevent urban pests is to identify access points and close them:

  • Use of screens on doors and windows and exhaust fans to prevent flies
  • Use of light traps to attract insects
  • Rubber sealing on doors and crevices to prevent the passage of rats
  • Use of drains with the closing device to remain blocked when in disuse
  • Suitable place for storing waste and garbage

2 – Hygiene

Cleaning the property is essential to avoid pests because they can find a food source in the waste left by employees. Stay tuned to the main places that should be cleaned:

  • Counters where food was handled
  • The floor of the entire area, which can accumulate sharp and small particles of dirt
  • Bathrooms especially drain
  • Canteens
  • Pantries and deposits, where the circulation of people is less

3 – Application Of Suitable Products

To execute this tip, it is essential to hire a company specialized in pest control. Each type of pest will require knowledge of the most appropriate measure and the correct product, according to the severity of the infestation and the spreading radius of the pest. Hiring a non-certified company can bring even more problems.

See the following example: in places where food is stored and handled, the use of rodenticide baits is prohibited. The correct measure is to use a glue plate, in which the mouse when going through it, will be stuck. If the contracted company uses bait, your establishment may end up suffering some fine from the inspection. In food storage and handling places, the use of rodenticide baits is prohibited. The correct measure is to use a glue plate (Photo: Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson)

4 – Frequency

Another fundamental measure is to pay attention to the periodicity of the control. Most pests proliferate very quickly, especially at warmer times of the year. That is why it is essential to have periodic visits for control and chemical spraying in infestation. The tip is to make a periodic contract with the pest control company like guardian home pest control amongst others, as the results will be more effective and the service more economical.